Record breaking month with 57 Sales Agreed…..

Record breaking month with 57 Sales Agreed…..

It is without doubt that 2020 has been the strangest of years for us all and July 2020 is no exception as it is now resigned to the history books as being a record breaking month for us here at Sparks Ellison.  As the chart shows, we agreed an astonishing 53 sales in Chandlers Ford during the month of July representing 59% market share.  In total we agreed 57 sales with 4 sales outside of Chandlers Ford.  Our previous best month was way back in March 2006 when we agreed 48 sales.   We also had our best ever month for New Instructions with 51 clients choosing to sell with us.  This beat our previous best month, again being March 2006, by….1!!

When we returned to work after lockdown on May 13th of this year, none of us could ever imagine in our wildest dreams that we would set a new record for sales and instructions or be as busy as we have been during this period.

Our team have worked tirelessly since returning, working more days and longer hours to ensure that our high service standards are met regardless of how busy it has been.  It really has been a case of all hands to the pump and, through our collective spirit, hard work, determination and pro-activeness, we have been able to achieve some phenomenal results for our customers.

Supply and demand for property has, by and large, been on an even footing with an excellent stock of property coming to the market in July and clearly an appetite from both buyers and sellers to do business.  Understandably, we are being asked why?  In our opinion, there are three main reasons. 

  1. We are still dealing with a degree of backlog and pent up business.
  1. The stamp duty change has seemingly brought forward a lot of peoples plans to enable them to take advantage of this saving by March 31st 2021.
  1. People have spent a great deal more time in their homes, often all together at the same time, which has given them a different perspective on their day to day living and requirements.  Perhaps with a desire for more space or a different lifestyle.

We very much appreciate that things are by no means back to normal and that the road ahead will be very bumpy.  It is, however, great news for the wider economy that the housing market has bounced back as many other businesses and industries will benefit from people moving.

We would like to take this opportunity to, firstly, thank our customers for placing their trust and faith in Sparks Ellison in what has been a challenging and difficult time for everybody. Being a small family business has resonated with many and the trust that creates in our work ethic and practices.  We are ever so grateful and humbled by your support over the last few months. Secondly, we would like to thank our team for their outstanding efforts in the face of the many challenges they have dealt with in getting used to the new normal and ways of conducting business. It has been hard work but a lot of fun along the way

It is very difficult to predict what lies ahead for the housing market but, as always, should you have any questions then we would be delighted to hear from you where you can be assured of honest answers delivered with transparency, experience and knowledge.

Please stay safe & well.

Our warmest wishes.

Adam & Mark

(Market Share Data taken from for the period July 1st to July 31st 2020 representing agents trading with offices in Chandlers Ford)